11:11 and The Pyramid Energy
The concept of 11:11 links to the pyramid energy. If you multiply 1111 X 1111, it equals 1234321, which creates a pyramid structure.

If you stack the numbers the energy associated with this sequence of numbers relate to the pyramid energies, which connects to the pyramids of Giza, in Egypt. Dr. Harmony’s book, Twin Flame Code Breaker also defines the link between twin flames and their connection to Atlantis, which was located in the same region as Egypt. These same energies are found in the concept of sacred geometry, in which geometric shapes produce a defined energetic force depending on the shape of the sacred image and its configuration.
Dr. Harmony works with many twins who feel a connection to Egypt and the pyramids. She has experienced the inner chambers of the pyramids on an excursion to Egypt where she had the privilege of joining a private sound healing group and participated in a sacred sound ceremony inside of the Great Pyramid of Giza.